"[Slyvester] Stallone's action hero roundup 'The Expendables 2' debuted at No. 1 with $28.8 million, according to studio estimates Sunday -- but less than the $34.8 million start for 'The Expendables' two years ago" (Star Tribune). Maybe the decline in profit is due to the fact that watching one movie about old actors shooting each other up is probably more than enough. Or maybe the inclusion of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chuck Norris to the cast really soured the film for moviegoers.
What is fact, though, is that even though the film is #1 in its opening weekend, The Expendables 2 is down financially by about six-ish million dollars.
Expendables 2 may have a bit of ground to reclaim but overall "Domestic revenues were $139 million, up 12 percent from the same weekend last year," according to the Star Tribune. That's pretty good, if you ask me.
Here are the estimated ticket sales for Friday August 17th through Sunday August 19th at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to the Star Tribune:
1. The Expendables 2 - $28.8 million
2. The Bourne Legacy - $17 million
3. ParaNorman - $14 million
4. The Campaign - $13.4 million
5. Sparkle - $12 million
6. The Dark Knight Rises - $11.1 million
7. The Odd Life of Timothy Green - $10.9 million
8. Hope Springs - $9.1 million
9. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days - $3.9 million
10. Total Recall - $3.5 million
And here are the top ten sleeper RPGs, according to Game Informer (to read the whole article, visit this link, http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2012/08/17/sleeper-rpgs-10-games-you-shouldn-t-miss.aspx):
1. Nier
2. Jeanne D'Arc
3. Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
4. Radiant Historia
5. Valkyria Chronicles
6. Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
7. Brave Story: New Traveler
8. 3D Dot Game Heroes
9. Arc Rise Fantasia
10. The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
- Edessa, signing off
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