
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bring Back Boba

So I'm breaking my Monday, Wednesday, Friday posting schedule, I know, but this is too important to pass up.

There's a petition going on for the creators of the new Star Wars Rebels animated show to keep Boba Fett (still as a teenager/young adult) as a regular, recurring character.  Daniel Logan - the man best known for playing young Boba - has expressed great interest in being part of Rebels, and there's already a Bring Back Boba campaign going on all over the Internet.

If you want to see Daniel Logan as Fett in Rebels, show your support by liking the official Facebook page and tweeting with the tag #BringBackBoba.  If you're a blogger, podcaster, vlogger, or anything similar, please also consider getting your opinions about the topic out there to encourage more supporters.

Studios do listen to their audience.  The more people who support this, the stronger our voice will become, and the more likely that the production studios will greatly consider our proposal.

Get on the campaign and show your support not only for the greatest mercenary this side of Coruscant but also for the amazingly talented Mr. Logan.  There isn't anyone in the galaxy who does Fett better than he does.

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. Yes Bring Boba Back! I will Like the page and Tweet about it, and I probably need to write about it too, because he needs to be a main character of the new show. Except, if Rebels is set around a year from Ep. IV, shouldn't Dee Bradley Baker voice the character since he would basically be a full grown clone trooper? Just saying.
    Also I really want a live-action Boba Fett movie with Cad Bane as his partner.


  2. I would really love to see Boba star in Rebels! But I would love to see a lot of characters from Clone Wars and the EU get starring roles too, ones that up to this point have been side characters or only mentioned.
    Rebels could be very good, or highly disappointing...!

  3. I haven't seen the show. Sooooo... I guess I'll just cheer you guys on. =P

  4. I'd enjoy seeing Boba Fett back. Not that I think he is necessary, but I understand a lot of fans would enjoy seeing him back. Plus, he's one of the best fictional mercenaries next to Deadpool.

  5. Bring back Boba, yeah!!! It would be really cool to see him in a new series.


Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D