
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Quick Little Reminder

This is just a quick reminder that today is your last day to send in your questions for HNED's first birthday this weekend.  If you comment with your questions after today (i.e., on the 19th or 20th), there's a good 90% chance that they won't get answered.  So if there are any questions about anything at all that you'd like to ask me, then comment away before it's too late.

I'm so very excited for this!  It's still so amazing that HNED has been around for a whole year.  God definitely blesses us, even through social media.  =)

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. Whoops. Been meaning to get around to this. Alright *fires up non-stop question skillz*

    Ninjas or pirates?
    Cows or turtles?
    Barbarians or knights?
    Jedi or sith?
    The rebellion or the republic?

    If Chuck Norris and Batman got into a fight, who would win?

    What rhymes with orange?

    What is the meaning of life, love, and the universe?

    How many fingers are behind my back?

    What has been your favorite moment thus far this year?
    What has been your favorite blog post thus far this year?
    What has been your favorite blog post EVER?

    If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and you could take three fiction characters with you, who would they be? (AND NO PICKING DRAGONS OR OTHER FLYING/SWIMMING CHARACTERS =P)

    If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and you could take three people you know with you, who would they be?

    If you were going to be stranded on a DESSERT island and you could take three people you know with you, who would they be?

    What is the entire plot of the D&D game we're playing? (muhuahaha jk)

    When will you get around to watching Iron Man?

    If you could take the place of one videogame character, who would it be? And why?

    Who is your favorite clone trooper?

    If I asked you to give my D&D character a lightsaber, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?

    If you could pick one pop singer to automatically cease to exist, who would it be?

    What would the soundtrack to your life be?
    What would the soundtrack to your siblings' lives be?

    Have you ever cried watching/reading something Star Wars-related?

    (Assume below that you can pick any weapon you can imagine, aside from planet-destroying superweapons)
    In a zombie apocalypse, what weapon would you pick to defend yourself?
    In a robot takeover, what weapon would you pick to defend yourself?
    In an alien invasion, what weapon would you pick to defend yourself?

    Would you rather have a real-life blaster or lightsaber?

    What is your opinion on grass?

    Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire? Assume we're not talking about sparkly vampires here.

    If you could have one wish granted, what would it be? Assume no wishing for more wishes is in place.

    Why do you like to name inanimate objects?

    What are your top 10 most quirky habits?

    If you could be an elf, dwarf, or hobbit, which would you be?

    Have you ever noticed that the "We are HNED" is a little bit like "We are the borg?" Given that you are a singular person referring to yourself as "we."

    What would be the coolest pet ever?

    If you could go back in time once (and return), where would you go and what would you do? Assume that the time machine also takes you to the place of your choice.

    If you could pick one animal to have feathers, what would it be? As in, you could pick a cow and suddenly every cow in the world would have feathers.

    Excluding black, what is your favorite color?

    Where is Carmen Sandiego?

    What is the coolest hat ever?

    If you were going to steal at least 5 million dollars with the help of only your friends, how would you go about it and what friends would you pick?

    Are my questions too late? =P

  2. What would you do if you were to die tomorrow?
    What would you do with a million bucks?
    What are your favorite moments in blogging?
    Tell me something random about you.
    How do you like to express your geekiness? T shirts? :)
    Jedi or Elf?

  3. Where is Waldo?
    Favorite superhero other than Deadpool?
    Favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie?
    Favorite superhero movie?
    What is your favorite HISHE short?
    What movie should they do a HISHE on?

  4. This has nothing to do with the questions but I think you need to know this. Disney is planning on releasing a new Star Wars every summer after the release of Episode VII. They will alternate between Episodes and character spinoff movies. Of course, that may not be true, but I heard it from a reliable source (AMC Theaters). I really hope that changes. Anyways, can't wait for the big revelation Saturday and enjoy the rest of the week.


Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D