
Monday, February 25, 2013

The Results are In!

The 85th annual Academy Awards have come and gone for the 2012 film year and, I have to say, it was definitely an interesting show to see on Sunday.

For those of you who didn't watch the Oscars last night, a lot of very interesting (and some kinda funny) stuff occurred.

The women's bathroom overflowed.  The Jaws theme was played multiple times when the winners went over the time limit for their acceptance speeches.  Adele sang the Skyfall theme.  The cast of Les Miserables sang a number from the movie.  And Jennifer Lawrence tripped on the stage stairs while claiming her Oscar (which was more pitiable than funny, honestly).

All in all, though, it was a very memorable Oscar night.  For me, it wasn't as memorable as the 2009 Oscars (mainly because I was part of the James Cameron camp and had picked Avatar to wipe the awards board, except the Kathryn Bigelow camp got all the bragging rights when The Hurt Locker won the most awards that year), but it was still a show worth watching.

Like in 2009, few of my picks actually won Oscars.  The Hobbit in particular was let down big time (at least, as far as I'm concerned); however, it's still extremely fun to pick who you think should win and then find out live if you're right or wrong.  Nevertheless, I thought it would be (hopefully) fun if I posted my Oscar picks and who the real winners were.

So, without further ado, allow me to present my picks and the real winners of the 2013 Oscars!

Best Original Screenplay

Edessa: Amour
Winner: Django Unchained

Best Adapted Screenplay

Edessa: Beasts of the Southern Wild
Winner: Argo

Best Visual Effects

Edessa: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Winner: Life of Pi

Best Sound Mixing

Edessa: Les Miserables
Winner: Les Miserables

Best Sound Editing

Edessa: Life of Pi
Winner (tie): Skyfall, Zero Dark Thirty

Best Live Action Short Film

Edessa: Henry
Winner: Curfew

Best Animated Short Film

Edessa: Paperman
Winner: Paperman

Best Production Design

Edessa: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Winner: Lincoln

Best Original Song

Edessa: "Suddenly" - Les Miserables
Winner: "Skyfall" - Skyfall

Best Original Score

Edessa: Lincoln
Winner: Life of Pi

Best Make-up and Hairstyling

Edessa: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Winner: Les Miserables

Best Foreign Language Film

Edessa: Amour
Winner: Amour

Best Film Editing

Edessa: Life of Pi
Winner: Argo

Best Documentary Short

Edessa: Redemption
Winner: Inocente

Best Documentary Feature Film

Edessa: 5 Broken Cameras
Winner: Searching For Sugar Man

Best Director

Edessa: Ang Lee - Life of Pi
Winner: Ang Lee - Life of Pi

Best Costume Design

Edessa: Mirror Mirror
Winner: Anna Karenina

Best Cinematography

Edessa: Life of Pi
Winner: Life of Pi

Best Animated Feature Film

Edessa: Brave
Winner: Brave

Best Supporting Actress

Edessa: Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables
Winner: Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables

Best Supporting Actor

Edessa: Tommy Lee Jones
Winner: Christoph Walz

Best Actress

Edessa: Quvenzhane Wallis
Winner: Jennifer Lawrence

Best Actor

Edessa: Hugh Jackman
Winner: Daniel Day-Lewis

Best Picture

Edessa: Les Miserables
Winner: Argo

*whew*  That's a long list.  But even though probably about two-thirds of my picks didn't win any awards at the Oscars this year, it was still definitely a good show this year.  There were a lot of good films nominated this year, and I congratulate all of the winners heartily for a job well done.  I can't wait to see what next year's Oscars will be like!

Did you guys watch the Oscars on Sunday?  Did you pick most of the winners, and were there any films that you thought got robbed of a well-deserved Oscar?

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. Nice list. Honestly, I agree with all the Hobbit ones. And Congrats to Jennifer Lawrence for winning that!!!
    It was Jennifer Lawrence who fell, not Gardiner, by the way :) You might wanna fix that. J-Law made a joke about it all later. If it was me, I'd be sooo embarrassed, but she just shrugged it off saying that "you're standing up only because I fell and that's embarrassing" :P love her!

  2. I watched some of the Academy Awards, but was mostly accurate with my predictions. =) As Solace said it was Lawrence not Gardiner who fell.


  3. Hey, Eddy. I noticed that there was a mistake. I didn't get an Oscar!!! =P Too bad. I'll try again next year!

  4. My predictions pretty much matched yours! I was thrilled that Anne Hathaway won Best Supporting Actress and Jennifer Lawrence won Best Actress, but the rest was a bit disappointing. It was still lots of fun to watch, though.

  5. Whoopsie! I guess that's what I get for writing a blog post at 11 at night. lol! Thanks for the correction, Solace and James! =D

  6. I was kinda of upset that the Avengers didn't win anything.

  7. I agree with Vincent. The Avengers deserved an Oscar. I'm actually surprised it didn't go up for Best Picture.

    And Wreck-It Ralph should have won Best Animated Picture. I was sad that happened.

    I didn't watch them, but picked stuff up from Air1.

  8. To be honest,on Sunday I completely forgot that Oscars even existed! The next day I saw the "big winners" in the paper while getting the comics. I was like,"Whoa! Oscars? What Oscars? O.ooohhhh.... Now how did I miss that?" My bad!


Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D