
Friday, February 1, 2013

Hangout with The Clone Wars on Google+

Something big will be happening this Saturday, and I think all of you fellow Clone Wars fans are gonna love it!

Because the new episode "The Lawless" will be changing the show forever, the cast and crew at the CW have decided to do a Google+ hangout, something that may even become a regular thing one day. Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka Tano), Matt Lanter (Anakin Skywalker), supervising director Dave Filoni, and Sam Witwer (Darth Maul) will all be hanging out live tomorrow morning to discuss the show, and you're invited to join them.

And I think that sounds uber-super cool!

The hangout starts on Saturday Feb. 2nd at 10:30 a.m. PST (that's Pacific time, people, so do the math accordingly if you don't live in that time zone), and there isn't an official end time. If you would like to be part of this hangout, make sure you have a working G+ account and then simply RSVP for the event at this link. To ask your questions during the hangout or to fangirl like crazy or even to just say "hi" , simply hashtag #CloneWarsHangout during the actual event to make your thoughts known.

If you don't have a G+ account but you would still like to watch the proceedings, the event will be livestreamed to YouTube at

But remember, if you want to have a voice during this event you have to RSVP ASAP. It should be a lot of fun and will definitely be memorable! So join if you can, watch the livestream if you can, and maybe this will become a new CW tradition!

 - Edessa, signing off

1 comment:

  1. As much as I like the Clone Wars, not sure if I will watch this live. But how do you ask questions though?



Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

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