
Monday, December 24, 2012

The 6th Day of Christmas

Good grief, travelling can really put a kink in your posting schedule. =P

On the 6th Day of Christmas we sing O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel is one of those songs whose past is wreathed in mystery.  Nobody knows who wrote it or even what century it was written in.  Some claim that it's a 15th Century French hymn written by Franciscan nuns.  Others say that it's an 8th Century Gregorian chant.  Either way, it's a powerful carol with a wonderful message of salvation.

The carol is based on Isaiah 7:14, which states: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign.  Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (ESV).  Immanuel (or Emmanuel with an "e") is a name that means "God with us," and the prophecy spoken by Isaiah was fulfilled by the birth of Jesus many generations later, a child who really was God with us.

The original text for this song is in Latin, but in the 1800s it was translated by John Mason Neale (an English Anglican priest) and Henry Sloane Coffin (the American president of the Union Theological Seminary).

And on the 6th Day of Christmas Sam Raimi gave to me an Oz: The Great and Powerful trailer.

True, The Wizard of Oz has never really been my most favorite story in the world, but I've always been intrigued with how the Wizard of Oz managed to trick all of the inhabitants of Oz into actually thinking he was an all-powerful wizard.  And just from looking at the trailer for this Oz prequel, I think this film could be pretty good.

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. Since Oz is directed by Sam Raimi I agree it could be good. But I haven't even seen the original Oz yet either. Is it worth watching?


  2. Yes James, it is very much worth watching.

    As a suggestion, you should put up the Turbo trailer.

  3. I saw the trailer for the Oz movie in 3D, and it looked pretty epic. *nods* Quite impressive.


Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D