
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coming Soon: New Holocron 'Cast

As most of you probably know, The Hobbit, Part 1: An Unexpected Journey releases tonight at midnight! And if that isn't enough to make me geek out, I'm also going to the midnight showing with some friends from church. Woot!

So expect a new Holocron episode sometime in the near future all about my reactions to the movie. I think I can safely say that is shall be absolutely wonderful! =D

Are any of you guys going to the midnight showing, or even going to see it sometime soon? What part of the movie are you most excited for? =)

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. That's awesome! :D I cannot wait to see the movie, but I probably will not see it until Tuesday. Is your podcast going to be spoiler-free?


    1. Unfortunately, it's gonna basically be one big spoiler after another. I would've liked to have made it not so chock-full of spoilers, but it's such an epic movie with so much stuff in it that it basically couldn't be avoided. =P I will say, as cryptically as I can, that it wasn't exactly as I expected it would be. But once you start thinking about the overall tone of the original book, it makes much more sense. =)

  2. I'm hopefully going to see it in IMAX 3D. =D Which would be incredible. But I'm also interested in seeing it in HFR 3D, since that's kinda revolutionary...

    1. Let me know how it was in IMAX 3D, because that just sounds epic! =D I've never heard of HFR 3D before...what does it stand for?

  3. i heard that it didn't do so well. 1 &1/2 stars. but the reviewer insulted George Lucas, so we shouldn't trust him! :)

    how was it? would it b appropriate for kids a little younger than 13? (say yes!!!)

    1. I will definitely be addressing that review in the episode. *nods* And you can ask mom to relay my thoughts about age appropriateness. =P

  4. I am most excited for the encounter with Gollem and the goblins about to eat Bilbo.

    I'm not a big LotR fan, but I will definitely go see it.


Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D