
Thursday, September 27, 2012

HNED... Facebook Style

Putting HNED on Facebook has been on my to-do list for quite a while, and today I finally did it.

Say hello to HNED's official Facebook page! If you would be so kind as to "Like" us, that would be really awesome!!/pages/HoloNet-Entertainment-Daily/284360714997964

I will link back to my new blog posts and podcast episodes on the page, but most of the information on the HNED Facebook page is a bunch of film and game updates, "Star Wars" news, links to contests and sweepstakes from IGN and other such places, a Question of the Day, a Picture of the Day, random film/game/Star Wars videos, and all sorts of little extras like that. It's a place where all of the loose information I discover gets posted and where you can find out about a lot of different topics. There's stuff for people who want to know more about "The Hobbit," for people who are eagerly awaiting the new "Halo 4" game, for people who want to find out what projects their favorite actors are doing now, all sorts of fun stuff like that.

So if you want to keep up to date with media news as it happens, then the HNED Facebook page is definitely for you! =D

Also, please give me your feedback on the look and/or feel of the page. Any and all suggestions are totally welcome!

Well, I hope you're all having an awesome week. I know I am, though I still can't wait for the weekend. =)

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. I'll do it as soon as I get home! :) THe school internet blocks Facebook :P

  2. First one to like it! :)

  3. AHHHHH!!!! YAY!!!! I'm SOOOOO excited!!!!!:D


Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D