
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Did Anybody Ever Tell You That The World Is Crazy?

Well, it is.

Which means now you have been told that the world is indeed crazy.

Or at least my world is, at the moment. XD

The reason why I haven't been posting as much is because my life has been extremely packed lately: VBS Day Camp all day for five days last week, packing and shopping for college (I leave on the 25th), studying for two CLEP tests (American Government and Math) that I have to take this Wednesday, and doing lots of last minute stuff with my Youth Group.

I'm hoping that this insanity will tone down by next week but, don't worry, I will make time for posting even during college. =)

So, anyway, that's my currently crazy life. Have you guys been having fun summers, or crazy ones? Are you looking forward to starting school this fall?

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. does anyone ever look forward to school?

  2. Wow! That's a lot going on. I know how you feel about being preoccupied with college. I start this fall too and it seems like it's all you can focus on is getting everything and being prepared. I have a few more things I have to get and then my shopping is done. What are you going to be taking?

    1. Some dishes, sheets, a desk lamp, probably a trash can, a bunch of books and notebooks and pens, textbooks, clothes, some storage stuff, some snack food, and (of course) my laptop. So basically everything but the kitchen sink. lol! =D

    2. Awesome! I actually meant what types of courses are you taking in school?

    3. Oh, ok! Sorry about that! =D
      I'm taking German 1, Intro to Christianity (both are required at my college), Intro to Mass Media, Intro to Biology with labs, and Stagecraft (as in building things for plays, so lots of welding and stuff). I wanted to do AV Production this semester, but the class was full so I'll have to wait until January. =)

  3. Did you know that today is JOHN WILLIAMS' 80th BIRTHDAY?

    1. Yep, I read your post about it and commented. He is such an awesome composer! I hope he'll keep on composing for many more years to come! =D

  4. Yes... the world is crazy. Homework is piling and school just started a week ago or so

  5. I was halfway wondering why the Radar...fell off the radar. =P I hope the insanity stops soon hahaha. Good luck!

    1. lol! Yep, that's exactly why, plus there really hasn't been anything all that interesting going on in the video game/film industry besides lawsuits and rumors. But thanks for the well-wishes! =D


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Post away! :D