
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Redesign Launch!

I am so excited to let you guys know that HNED's redesign launch will be on Sunday night (the 22nd)!

For those who don't know, I've been working with Robyn from Simply Creative to completely redesign HNED. Everything has been overhauled and, I must say, Robyn's designs are absolutely beautiful!

Check back here either Monday morning (or Sunday night, if you like to stay up late) to see the new and improved HNED. I can't wait for Monday! *squeals excitedly* =D

 - Edessa, signing off


  1. Well I hope everyone likes the new designs as much as you will Edessa! The pages are all set up in drafts so those just have to be tweaked once the designs are uploaded. I'll be uploading everything late Sunday night and everyone should be able to see the new designs after midnight going into Monday morning.
    -Robyn :D

  2. Looking forward to the new design. :)


  3. I'm SUPER excited to see your new design! :D

  4. I'm so excited! Oh wait... it already passed! In my timezone, anyway :P It's 11:00 in monday morning here :)

  5. WOW! Your new blog design looks great! :D Very professional.



Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D