

About the HNED:

     HoloNet Entertainment Daily is your hub for all things film, game, and Star Wars.  As your resident blogger, I, Edessa, report on all upcoming films and video games, box office and video game numbers, Star Wars news, and the occasional randomness.  Here is my current posting schedule: 

Sunday: Verse of the Week (and maybe some randomness)
Monday: Box Office and Video Game Numbers
Tuesday: Star Wars News
Wednesday: Upcoming Movie Spotlight
Thursday: Upcoming Video Game Spotlight
Friday: Podcast Day
Saturday: Random Rants About Anything and Nothing in Particular

     I also take requests and answer questions, so please don't be afraid to ask me about anything!  As a reporter I am here to inform you about the latest entertainment news, and as a person I am here to be your friend.  The mission of the hub is to give good, quality, timely information concerning entertainment, while being fun and open to everybody.

You are more than welcome here, my friend!

Contact the Hub:

E-mail: (please tell me who you are in the e-mail)

Facebook:  HoloNet Entertainment Daily

Google+:  HoloNet Entertainment Daily

YouTube:  MemberofDeltaSquad

Origin:  EdessaCarrick  EdessaCarrick

SWTOR (Ebon Hawk server):  Breesam, Schazelle, Caila (Republic); Ki'saam, Ankhani, Chrisime, Allixa, Sevrial (Empire)

LOTRO (Silverlode server):  Sevrial, Prudii

LOTRO (Withywindle server):  Prudii

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Please keep it clean. And "if you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" (Thumper from "Bambi"). Other than that, all comments, suggestions, requests, questions, concerns, and compliments are more than welcome!

Post away! :D